ANZSB is Now Calling for Executive Committee Nominations
Nominations for the following positions are now invited:
• President: Provide leadership in chairing the Executive Committee, maintain links between members of the Executive Committee to ensure the continued operation of The Society. • Secretary/Treasurer: Maintain The Society's membership list, handle all official correspondence for The Society, maintain The Society's financial accounts, provide an annual audited statement of accounts. • Communications Officer: Produce regular newsletters to maintain links between members of The Society, liaise with the secretary/Treasurer with regard to sponsorship of The Society through its newsletter, be involved with the general promotion of the Society and manage electronic platforms (e.g. website, Facebook, twitter accounts).

Current past-president Liz Clarke provides the closing address at ABC10 in 2016 alongside Rob Herbert (current president) and Peter Pivonka (current conference liaison officer).
Other Executive Committee positions (not for nomination): The roles of Past President and Conference Liaison Officer are appointed based on previous roles within the committee: the Past President for 2018-2020 will be Rob Herbert based on his 2016-2018 Presidency, and the Conference Liaison Officer for 2018-2020 will be Julie Choisne based on her 2016-2018 role as ABC11 liaison.
Each committee member will serve for two years. Current Executive Committee members may be re-elected. The President of the Society will not stand for immediate re-election, as he/she will be serving as Past President.
If you would like to nominate yourself for one of these positions please send a short biographical paragraph (maximum 250 words) about yourself together with a photo to Liz Clarke (, who will collate the nominations and email these out to ANZSB members for voting.
Nominations are due by Friday 18th May, 2018.
The new Executive Committee will be announced at ABC11 in Auckland, December 2018. More details will follow in the next newsletter.
Please forward this call for nominations to other interested ANZ biomechanists who may not be part of our membership or email list.