Each year ANZSB offers two main awards for members:
Travel awards for students and early-mid career researchers
Publication of the year
ANZSB Publication of the Year Award
The ANZSB Publication of the Year Award recognises publication of excellent biomechanical research by ANZSB members. The award will comprise $250 and a certificate. The purpose of the award is to recognise the best original research article published in the field of biomechanics that year with an ANZSB member as the first author.
The current award is for article publisher in 2023
Application Guidelines
The Applicant (i.e. 1st Author) must be a financial member of ANZSB at the time of application.
The original research paper must have been published (not accepted) in the year prior to the call (i.e. the call for 2023 Publication of the Year will be made in 2024).
Applicant can only submit one paper
The paper will be judged upon the following criteria: research quality, significance and innovation, and quality of the journal.
Applications Open: Call for 2023 publication of year now closed
Applications Close: 18th August 2024
ANZSB Travel Award
Every calendar year, ANZSB announces awards to support its members attending and presenting at conferences in Australia and New Zealand as well as overseas. Typically, ANZSB will offer awards for the major biomechanics conferences such as the Australasian Biomechanics Conference (ABC), International Society of Biomechanics Congress, and the World Congress of Biomechanics. Other conferences may also be offered depending on the number of biomechanics conferences held in a calendar year. Each successful applicant of the ANZSB Travel Award will receive financial assistance to contribute to costs associated with attending the conference.
ANZSB offers two conference awards per announcement:
Student Award for those ANZSB members who are currently enrolled in a biomechanics-related research higher degree
Early-Mid Career Researcher (EMCR) Award for those ANZSB members who are no more than 10 year post-PhD, including approved extensions due to career disruptions
Award Guidelines:
ANZSB members who are currently enrolled in a biomechanics-related research higher degree are eligible for the Student Award.
Student applicants also require that a research supervisor (primary or associate) is a member of ANZSB.
ANZSB members who are no more than 10 years post-PhD (including approved extensions due to career disruptions) are eligible for the Early-Mid Career Academic (EMCA) Award.
A panel of ANZSB executive members will award the applicant who, in the panel’s opinion, has the best abstract according to research quality, significance and innovation.
Applicants must be the presenting author and attend the conference.
Applicants must acknowledge support from ANZSB in their presentation.
Applicants must be willing to write a review of the conference for an ANZSB newsletter.
Upcoming Travel Award: ABC14 - $500AUD​
Applications now closed, outcome late September
Applications Close: 18th August 2024