National Biomechanics Day is the long running, Biomechanics STEM and STEAM (A for Arts) outreach program celebrated around the world. While we started in the United States in 2016, by the following year, Biomechanists from New Zealand and Australia and many nations were holding NBD events. And what are NBD events? They are celebrations of Biomechanics through demonstrations of everything Biomechanics. They introduce Biomechanics science and careers to high school students and their teachers showing them the Breakthrough Science of the 21st Century!!!
As we like to say (really, love to say), “Without doubt, there are more smiles on more faces in more Biomechanics labs around the world on NBD than on any other day!!! We kid you not and invite you to see our Archives containing billions (approximately) of photos of smiling faces on over 35,800 students from NBD 2016 through NBD 2022! We enthusiastically invite you to participate in NBD 2023 through a demonstration to high school students visiting your lab or by creating a new and unique Biomechanics celebration. Please register here.
NBD 2023 will be fun, exciting, and enjoyable science for everyone. In fact, our theme is, “Science Meets Fun on National Biomechanics Day.” It really does! While we provide extensive guidance for NBD events, they are also really easy: invite high school students to your biomechanics facility and show them cool biomechanics! Kids love NBD because they fully participate in the experience through motion capture, electromyography, and force measurement, “experiments.” They are the science!!!
National Biomechanics Day 2023 will be a unified and synchronized celebration of Biomechanics among all participating laboratories. We will all work together on April 5, 2023** and demonstrate Biomechanics to high school students and teachers and parents, too.
FYI, many biomechanics societies and instrument manufacturers sponsor NBD because… well, they like our fun-based approach!
Official National Biomechanics Day page here:
New Zealand National Biomechanics Day
For more information and updates regarding NZ NBD, then please check out the facebook page ( or contact us via our email address that is being checked on a weekly basis up until the event (
Groups or individuals can also get in touch with the NZ NBD Coordinator, Kim Hebert-Losier, via email ( or on twitter (@KimHebertLosier).