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Australian universities to host their own National Biomechanics Day in 2019

Following on from, and inspired by, the success of New Zealand's coordinated National Biomechanics Day, Australia will host its first coordinated National Biomechanics Day on Thursday April 4, 2019.

While the US and many parts of the world will celebrate on April 10, this date is problematic for some states in Australia as school holidays will be in progress, thus making it difficult to get high school students to participate. As such, this alternative date of April 4 helps alleviate this problem.

Every Australian institution, no matter how big or small, is strongly encouraged and invited to run a National Biomechanics Day event at their institution on Australian National Biomechanics Day. By having a large number of institutions and universities participate, we can really build up the importance of National Biomechanics Day in Australia.

Another benefit of having a coordinated day is that a multi-site activity can be run simultaneously where high school students from around the country can perform the same task and thus compare their ranking to other high school students. Jeroen Aeles from The University of Queensland is developing a matlab script to run a force plate activity and he will share this with any institution interested in running this type of activity.

If you would like to be a part of Australian National Biomechanics day on Thursday April 4, 2019, then please contact Ben Hoffman at

If you are unable to run an event on Thursday April 4 due to teaching and / or logistical constraints, we still strongly encourage Australian universities to run events either on April 10 or a date that suits best. Please do not feel that your National Biomechanics Day event has to be held on the specific date!

Regardless of the day of your event, don't forget that each institution should register their event at the official National Biomechanics Day site:

If you have any queries about how to run the day or anything related to hosting a National Biomechanics Day event then please feel free to contact Ben ( who will be more than happy to help answer any queries you have.

Let's make National Biomechanics Day in Australia and New Zealand the biggest and best it has ever been! For more information about National Biomechanics Day in Australia and New Zealand please see the National Biomechanics Day section of our website:

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